Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Studiengang Pharmazie (Staatsexamen)

Mikrobiologie (Vorlesung + Praktikum, 2. Stj.)

Grundlagen der Stoffwechselphysiologie und Biochemie (Vorlesung, 2. Stj.)

Biochemie (Vorlesung + Praktikum, 3. Stj.)

Klinische Chemie (Praktikum, 3. Stj.)

Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology (MSc course)

B-In.3 Lecture: Systems Biology I

C-Bo.2 Lecture: Biotechnology of phototrophic organisms

C-Bo.4-3 Lab: Analysis of genetically modified plants

H-Bo.3 Lab: Metabolomics

K-In.2 Lecture: Systems Biology II

K-In.3 Lab: Systems Biology

K-Ph.2 Seminar & Lab: Analytical techniques in pharmaceutical biotechnology
